high court of justice (cameroon) artinya
- high: penting; tinggi; utama; basi; bernilai; besar;
- high court: mahkamah agung; mahkamah tinggi
- court: lapangan utk; mahkamah; meramahi; tempat
- court of justice: pengadilan; mahkamah; perdata
- justice: keadilan; hakim; hukum; yustisi; juris;
- ministry of justice of cameroon: departemen kehakiman kamerun
- court of justice of the european union: mahkamah hukum uni eropa
- european court of justice: mahkamah eropa
- international court of justice: mahkamah internasional; mahkamah keadilan antarabangsa; pengadilan keadilan internasional
- permanent court of international justice: mahkamah tetap internasional
- statute of the international court of justice: statuta mahkamah internasional
- court of appeal of cameroon: pengadilan banding kamerun
- supreme court of cameroon: mahkamah agung kamerun
- chief justice of the constitutional court of indonesia: pimpinan mahkamah konstitusi republik indonesia
- chief justice of the supreme court of indonesia: daftar ketua mahkamah agung republik indonesia